Drink this Banana Tea to Lose 10kg of Fat in a Month without Starving or Exercise

Step 1: Gather Supplies

banana tea supplies
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
There’s nothing worse than lying in bed for hours without sleeping. You stare at the clock, counting how many hours you have before you have to wake up again.
On those nights, you’d do anything to fall asleep — keep it natural with banana tea.
This recipe only takes 10 minutes to make, which makes it perfect for those late nights when you just can’t fall asleep.
All you need is:
  1. a small pot of water
  2. some cinnamon
  3. an organic banana (it needs to be organic because you’re going to boil it peel and all, so there can be absolutely no pesticides).

Step 2: Boil Water

banana tea boil water
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
The first step to making this delicious nighttime tea is boiling some water.
Make sure the pot you use is large enough to fit a banana, but not so large that you end up with way too much water.

Step 3: Cut Both Ends Off Banana
banana tea cut ends
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
While the water is heating up, cut both ends off the banana.
If you want, you can rinse off the banana before cutting it, but it’s not entirely necessary.
Once you’ve cut off the ends, throw them away, but don’t peel the banana!

Step 4: Place Banana (With Peel Still On) Into Boiling Water

banana tea boil banana
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
When the water reaches a rolling boil, place the entire banana into the water.
Many of the benefits of this tea come from the boiled peel, which contains tryptophan.
Tryptophan is a chemical that makes you sleepy (it’s the same chemical that makes you tired after eating Thanksgiving turkey).

Step 5: Boil For 10 Minutes
banana tea ten minutes
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
Boil the full banana for ten minutes.
While waiting, you can finish getting ready for bed — put on your pajamas, rub on some lotion, and get a good book ready to go.

Step 6: Using A Colander, Pour Banana Tea Into Mug

banana tea strain water
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
After the banana has boiled for ten minutes, pour the water through a strainer into a mug.
The strainer/colander will catch the banana as you pour.

Step 7: Sprinkle A Bit Of Cinnamon
banana tea sprinkle cinnamon
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
Next, sprinkle a little bit of cinnamon into your tea and stir it in.
Although the cinnamon is optional, it adds a nice flavor to the banana tea.

Step 8: Don't Waste The Banana!

banana tea don't waste
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
Once you strain out the banana from the water, don’t throw it away! Sprinkle some cinnamon over the banana and eat it as well.
The boiled banana will add to the soothing effects of the tea, and it’s delicious!

Step 9: Drink Banana Tea 1 Hour Before Bed
banana tea bedtime
Janine Ngai for LittleThings
The next step? Drinking the tea! Get under the covers with your favorite book and sip away.
The best time to drink this banana tea is an hour before bed, but it can be beneficial any time you drink it.

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