How to use Basil Seeds to Lose 20-Pounds of Belly Fat Quickly

Sabja seeds, or basil seeds call them by any name, but including these magic seeds can be very healthy for your body. Usually consumed after soaking it in water, two teaspoons have only 40 calories but is very nutrient dense.
“It is low-carb and high in protein, which is a rare combination in most vegetarian sources of food,”. He adds, “The fibre will keep you feeling satiated long and ensure that you do not end up eating again. As a result, you end up eating lower calories and can potentially lose weight.”
Sabja seeds have about 11gm of proteins, 5gm of carbs and 2gm of fibre, which makes it the perfect mix for weight loss. Sabja seeds contain oil components, which comprises of 50% linoleic acid, 22% linolenic acid, 15% oleic acid and 8% unsaturated fatty acids. It is also a good source of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. This means it has anti-inflammatory properties.

Using Basil Seeds to Suppress the Appetite

Basil seeds have numerous names, including sabja seeds, tulsi, tukhamaria, takmaria, hairy basil seeds, holy basil seeds and Thai basil seeds. The weight-loss benefit of these seeds rests in their potential to suppress your appetite so you don't overeat at meals. Sweet basil seeds share the mucilaginous quality of chia seeds -- swelling to create a gel-like substance when mixed with liquid. This expanding ability and their high-fiber content are touted as weight-loss assets that fill you up without filling you out.
Basil seeds also have very few calories and a mild flavor. Eat them mixed in a small amount of yogurt or water, and allow them to sit for 10 to 15 minutes so they swell up to 10 to 20 times their volume.
 So try this simple drink and let me know how it turned out for you..

Preparation Time: 15 mins
Cooking Time: 2 mins
Serves: 1 or 2

Cold Water – as needed
Lemon Juice – 2 tbsp or to taste
Sugar – 3 tbsp or to taste
Sabja Seeds / Basil Seeds – 1 tbsp

Take sabja seeds and soak them in water for 10 mins
Take water in a saucepan
Add in sugar
Heat till sugar is melted
Let it cool
Add in lemon juice

Mix well and set aside
Take a glass
add in soaked sabja seeds
pour in water
Add in some cold water
Stir it well
Serve cold

Weight-Loss Strategy

You can safely add basil seeds to your diet with little fear that they will interact with any medications or supplements you're taking. However, do not expect their addition alone to induce weight loss. You must create a calorie deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories per day to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. Use an online calculator to determine how many calories you burn daily according to your age, size, activity level and gender. Then, subtract the calories from that burn rate to determine how many you should cut from a balanced diet daily to drop pounds.
Eating fewer than 1,200 calories per day as a woman or 1,800 as a man can backfire, however. You risk stalling your metabolism and losing valuable muscle mass. If cutting 500 to 1,000 calories per day puts you at these low levels of intake, revise your weight-loss goal rate and become more active to achieve the desired weight-loss deficit.

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