Join over 10,000 women all over the world
that have lost weight and changed their lives with the

How it works?
The Smoothie Diet is a repeatable 21-day diet plan designed to reduce sugar consumption and speed up weight loss. You'll have to replace two of your meals with certain smoothies and have a light meal and snacks in between them. That way you'll not only consume less calories but will also feel full all the time and get essential nutrients. Good things for weight loss!
Click Here to Get Started!
Are the smoothie ingredients expensive or hard to find?
The program is designed with busy people in mind. That's why smoothie recipes include ingredients that are easy to find in your local grocery store. You won't have to look for any weird unproven “superfoods” that are overpriced and more hype than anything else. The Smoothie Diet is created to be easy and affordable for everyone, all over the world.
What if I don’t like the taste of the smoothies?
An ingredient swap list is included so if there is one you don’t like you will always have options.
What's included in the 21-day smoothie diet program:
- An easy-to-follow, 21-day plan to get you hooked on smoothies

- A 3-day detox cleanse for when you need an extra weight loss boost

- Troubleshooting guide for common smoothie snafus

- Daily inspirational quotes to motivate you

- Light meal and snack suggestions to have in between smoothies
How much weight can I expect to lose?
One of the best parts of the Smoothie Diet is how fast it works. You will see pounds come off in the first week and this motivates you to keep going. The average weight loss during the first week is 3-8 lbs. Over the 3 weeks, you can expect to lose up to 20 pounds or more.

You can also continue the diet for as long as you want after the 3 weeks. Some users have lost 50-70 pounds after several cycles of the diet plan. You can read their testimonial at the official Smoothie Diet home page.
Just don’t expect to lose 50 pounds after three weeks. It would take a few cycles of repeating the program if that’s your weight loss goal.
OK, so how can I start?
You can start by downloading the Smoothie Diet program to your phone, tablet or computer. Once you download, simply open it and follow the simple step-by-step instructions. It's recommended to start with the 3-day detox cleanse. You will find more tips inside.
Can I print it?
Sure, The program comes in PDF format which includes a quick-start guide that is printer friendly and has all the information you need to get started immediately.
Are you up for it? Watch the video below to get started:

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